I know that most of you have heard of Amber necklaces but have you heard of Hazelwood? Brandon and I have eczema and its very hard to treat, and very itchy and uncomfortable to have. Once I hear about it I had to try it and I am super happy to say, yes super super happy, that it WORKED!!!! Brandon always wears his, other than during swimming lessons, it should come off if you are in chlorine, and I love mine from Pur Noisetier! The last one I had worked but had a bigger bead at the center but the clasp weighs more so it was always crocked or backwards and this one just has beads and the hazelwood all the way around so it always looks good!
I seriously can't say enough good things about these necklaces, Brandon will wear one until he is 16 and refusing and I will always wear one! I am always telling people about them and the fact that these are made in Canada buy a family just makes them all the better to me! They come in all different colors (for the beads) and once they are on you forget all about them! You can buy them in all different sizes from babies up to adults and will not be disappointed!
Hazelwood also helps with:
Pur Noisetier has offered up any TWO necklaces of your choice to one lucky winner!!
To Enter:
Go to Pur Noisetier and tell me which one you would choose if you won
(This must be done for additional entries to count)
Additional Entries:
If you are a big chip fan you need to try out these new chips! They are what we grab every time now! Soooo good!
Lays has offered up an awesome $150 valued giveaway for one very lucky winner!! Here is what is in it!
New Lay’s Kettle Cooked Chips (all flavours) and items to enjoy their own Lay’s Kettle Cooked Chip experience the whole FAMILY can enjoy!!!!
Bamboo serving bowl
BBQ set
Fresh herb garden
Portable picnic blanket
To Enter:
Tell me what your favorite flavour of Lays are
Additional Entries:
Brandon has started wearing more and more jeans and pants that aren't sweat pants. He pretty much lived in sweats the first 2-3 years of his life. For starters they were comfortable but they stayed up unlike any other pants we tried for him! Most drawstrings are fake and the adjustable pants work but I find that the buttons dig into his little sides. So they will work but are uncomfortable for him!
Along comes Little Belties! They are genius, super cute, lots of designs, many different sizes, and wash up great! Best of all they hold up Brandon's pants up and so we love them!!! Brandon even loves them. He wants to wear them everyday. The designs are very very cute but not cutesy if that makes sense. I think that they are cute and so does Brandon but an older child would really like them as well. They aren't babyish so they appeal to lots of ages.The prices are great and make it so that you can get a few and then you are set! The only thing I would change about these belts is that I would make an easier buckle/clasp for the toddler age. I would much rather Brandon be able to do it himself when he goes to the bathroom instead of me having to do it for him every time although he can still leave the belt done up and then just pull his pants down.
Little Belties has offered up any one belt of your choice to one lucky winner!
To Enter:
Go to Little Belties and tell me which one you would choose if you won
(This must be done for additional entries to count)
Additional Entries:
- like Little Belties on Facebook
- add my Fun and Funky Mommy button to your blog (2 entries)
- follow me publicly (2 entries)
- subscribe to Fun and Funky Mommy
- like me on facebook (leave your first name and last initial so I can find you)
- blog about this giveaway with a link to me
- follow me on twitter @Funfunkymommy AND tweet about this giveaway for one entry (can RT daily for another entry)
***Feel free to Retweet this***
Win any belt from Little Belties @Funfunkymommy
***** Contest will end on March 30th at 8:00 PM. I will use Random.org to choose the winner. The winner will have 72 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Make sure that your profile is set to public or that you include your email in your comments because if I can't get a hold of you you can't win! Contest open to Canada and the USA*****
- Dental issues
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Headaches
- Frequent colds or illness
- Ear infections
- Stress and anxiety
Check out Alternative Bling for a huge selection of amber necklaces, hazelwood and even some gorgeous wooden and gemstone necklaces!!! Alternative Bling has even offered up a youth amber necklace to one lucky winner!!! (If the winner lives in the US though they will be responsible for any duty)
To Enter:
Go to Alternative Bling and tell me which one you would choose if you win
(This must be done for additional entries to count)
Additional Entries:
- add my Fun and Funky Mommy button to your blog (2 entries)
- follow me publicly (2 entries)
- subscribe to Fun and Funky Mommy
- like me on facebook (leave your first name and last initial so I can find you)
- blog about this giveaway with a link to me
- follow me on twitter @Funfunkymommy AND tweet about this giveaway for one entry (can RT daily for another entry)
***Feel free to Retweet this***
Win a youth Baltic amber necklace from Alternative Bling @Funfunkymommy http://tinyurl.com/4oka23l
***** Contest will end on March 30th at 8:00 PM. I will use Random.org to choose the winner. The winner will have 72 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Make sure that your profile is set to public or that you include your email in your comments because if I can't get a hold of you you can't win! Contest open to Canada and the USA*****
Mark Messier, Doug Gilmour and Guy Carbonneau have teamed up with PepsiCo (Lay’s, Pepsi and Gatorade) to make a Canadian hockey lover’s dream come true. With Messier representing the West, Gilmour representing Ontario and Carbonneau representing the East, this is the opportunity of a lifetime and all Canadians have to do is share their Favourite Stanley Cup Playoffs moment and gain the winning vote of Canadians all over. With three regional finalists, one lucky fan will have the chance to win the Ultimate Playoffs Party with the Stanley Cup Champion from their region and the Stanley Cup itself! What’s even better is that the second and third place winners will also get to enjoy an NHL playoff party in their home with their regional Stanley Cup Champion as well. Everybody wins. URL: www.bringhomeachamp.ca
One lucky winner will get a great $50 prize pack from Pepsi Max, Lays chips and Gatorade!!
To Enter:
Tell me who you want to win this for!
(This must be done for additional entries to count)
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