I only eat breakfast sometimes during the week but every weekend, on my way to work, I stop at either Tim Hortons or McDonalds, totally not healthy but yummy, and get something to eat and of course coffee!!!! I need my coffee on the weekends ;) I wish I made more time for breakfast, I know its the most important meal of the day, but I just can't stand moorings! I like to sleep, or at least lay in bed, until I absolutely have to get up and then I have only enough time to shower and go!

Being on the Life Made Delicious team gives me many opportunities to try out products and read all try out all sorts of easy recipes, and you can see and try them all out to! If you join the Life Made Delicious facebook page or newsletter you can receive and look for all sorts of recipes and even coupons!
Check out this $1 off Cheerios coupon here! If you need some great breakfast recipes be sure to check these out! Here are a few of my favorites, don't they look soooo good!!

http://lifemadedelicious.ca/en/Recipes/N/Nature_Valley_Yogurt_Breakfast_Parfait_For_One.aspx http://lifemadedelicious.ca/en/Recipes/G/Granola-Berry-Banana-Smoothies.aspx
Disclosure: I am part of the Life Made Delicious Blogger program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own
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