Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mabel's labels back to school

School is back in session. Here in BC where we are that's saying a lot. You could say we had a bit of a rough start to the school year. I am not going to rehash it because I really don't want to but we are all really happy schools back. All of us :). On the kids first full day back I was off work and didn't know what to do with myself. I dropped them off at school, got them all settled, went and got a coffee and curled up with a blanket. I quickly forgot how I had spent my days without the kids back in June. I literally had no idea what I was going to do with myself all day. I quickly booked myself in for a massage for the following week. Gotta keep busy ;) and headed out to do some errands. It's funny how once you start thinking about what you have been meaning to so all of the sudden you end up with a list a mile long. In fact, I didn't even finish my list before I had to go back for pick up :)

Enough about my day. Once we heard that the strike was officially over I pulled out the bags of school supplies I bought a couple months prior. The kids and I sat down and got labelling. That process takes the longest but I enjoy it. I love putting cute or funky labels all over the kids stuff. Kristina really got into it as well. I do find it very satisfying come June when the kids bring home a bag of all their broken pencils and ripped up duo tangs and it's only made it home because of a great label. If it wasn't for that it would be at the bottom of the lost and found or even in the trash!

Mabel's labels are available to order online. You can personalize them and choose from so many designs. We received a back to school pack for Brandon and they are great. Like I said we have used them many times in the past and have always been super happy. The back to school packs are only available to order until the 30th of this month so if your thinking about ordering jump on it and get it done. 

The labels stayed on Brandon's shoes for the entire school year last year. That's very impressive. Dirty, stinky, smelly shoes and the label didn't even fade. They are easy to put on, stay on and stick to everything. They don't fade and are adorable. If your looking for tough labels that will stand the test of time and are affordable be sure to check out Mabel's labels. 


1. Megan P said...

Thankks great blog post