Friday, October 7, 2011

Halloween is coming, are you ready?

We are picking up Kristina's costume tomorrow, now that we have been to all of the stores, thought about it, and has sort of, tentatively, made a decision.  Halloween is a big deal for kids.  I think she feels like it has to be better than the year before every year which makes it hard.  It has to be perfect and she wants to be about 20 things and just can't narrow it down.

Brandon however has wanted to be only about 5 things but for him its not an issue.  He has a big drawer full of costumes, play silks, swords made of foam, I am not that crazy, hats and masks.  If he wants to change his mind everyday I am so ok with that, as long as he only changes to something else in the dress up drawer.  So far he has wanted to be a pirate for the last two weeks or so.  When we were at the dollar store today I upgraded him to a plastic sword, we will see how bad of an idea that was later, and a chest shield to complete his outfit.  I just need to pick up an eye patch and we are done.

The only thing that makes Halloween more fun for Brandon than everyday dressing up is the candy, and probably seeing all of the other kids dressed up as well.  We play dress up almost everyday though and are big on imaginary play.  I think its good for kids to not just play with their toys but to take them to the next level.  Its one thing to pile up some blocks into a castle but another thing all together to get our your little people and animals and play kingdom for an hour.

Disney Junior Dress-Up Mondays is going to be starting on the 10th. It's a chance to see all of your hard work (not just on the costume) featured on Disney Junior and  It doesn't even need to be their Halloween costume, if they have even decided yet, just take a picture of dress up time!

•Phase 1: Upload a photo of your little one all dressed up on between October 10th and 17th

•Phase 2: Tune into Disney Junior on Mondays in October (17th, 24th, and 31st) and you could see your little one on the big screen! Perhaps on the small screen too! Check out the spooky gallery on for even more ghoulishly delightful little creatures.

If you’re thinking this treat couldn’t get any sweeter – think again! To accompany each Dress Up Monday Disney Junior will be showcasing brand new Hallowe’en themed shows! We don’t want you to miss out – so here’s the line up

October 10 – Special Agent Oso *new episode*

October 17 – Jake and The Never Land Pirates *new episode*, and Stella and Sam *new episode*

October 24 – Jungle Junction *new episode*


Be sure to check it out!  You know we will be!!!

Disclosure: I’m part of the Playhouse Disney Junior Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.