Monday, July 18, 2011

Eden Fantasys

If you are under 19 years of age please move onto a different article as this is for adults only, while it only contains PG pictures and information the links in this article lead to a site that is intended for adults only!

Kris and I are always looking for new things to spice up the bedroom.  Things can get boring pretty quick and its important to keep changing things up and keeping it alive!  I am not so good at this.  I can talk the talk and know what I should do but I just don't.  I just don't have a high sex drive, I don't know why, but I don't.  Its not something that's important to me, but I know that it is important to my husband so I am always working to try and make it more important to me.

Eden Fantasys has so many things in their discreet online shop that can help.  They sell lots of creams, lotions, candles and oils if you are looking for something a little more g rated.  They also have everything else you could imagine.  Its one of those sites that you can end up looking at for hours.  There is lots that I would like to try out but wonder what I will use for the long term.

I don't want to purchase a $100 toy and end up only using it every few months.  Maybe I need to commit to using things more often ;)  Everything is not expensive though, far from it in fact.  In a local store they don't have nearly the selection, here anyways, and everything is expensive.  At Eden Fantasys they have so many products at all different price points.  You can get quite a few things for $75 and many toys are well under the usual $100 price point which is great in my books!

When I have reviewed in the past for Eden Fantasys I have to say how thrilled I was that it came in an unmarked box.  Because I see my mailman daily I really don't want to have to look at him everyday once he delivers something like that for me, its just something that you want him knowing you are using.  If you need to find more of a selection or some better prices you need to check out Eden Fantasys!